Nanoil 100% Macadamia Oil

best macadamia hair oil

1. Packaging & size

Nanoil Macadamia Oil comes in a neat and practical bottle made from dark glass which protects oil against going rancid. It belongs to the ‘family’ of Nanoil pure beauty oils having 50 ml each. It is fully organic, without unwanted parabens, silicones and other additives which could make the quality and effect of the oil much poorer.

Nanoil Macadamia Oil holds out long and its quality makes it second to none. The scent of the oil is really delicate: subtle aroma of macadamia nuts. It stands out thanks to weightless, semi-fluid and very pleasant consistency. It holds out long and is easy to apply because it’s neither too thick nor too watery. That’s the reason for its label: vanishing oil. It is non-overburdening, almost fully non-comedogenic and instantly absorbed in skin and hair.

2. Purpose

Macadamia Oil by Nanoil is an all-purpose and versatile oil. Simply put, it is good at everything, delivering head-to-toe beauty care. Suitable for all types and structures of hair and hands down great remedy for weak, delicate, sensitized hair which doesn’t grow or starts falling out.

Nanoil Macadamia Oil equals professional repair and enhanced looks of hair as well as effective protection even for colour-treated hair.

3. Ingredients

Nanoil Macadamia Oil has very simple composition. It’s pure macadamia nut oil: 100% organic, no parabens, no silicones, no alcohols or other unnecessary additives and fragrances. Thought-through composition and the way of extracting the oil put Macadamia Nanoil among top-quality products. Its quality has been confirmed by the Ecocert seal.

This oil ensures full care of thin, colour-treated, damaged and over-processed hair which needs protection and enhancement to avoid further damage. Macadamia oil equals an array of valuable fatty acids (EFAs), incl. palmitoleic acid (rare omega-7 acid) and linoleic acid (omega-6). Apart from that, the oil contains vitamins A and E essential for skin, hair and nails, as well as vitamins B (B1, B2, B3) which make sure that processes in skin cells occur properly and make hair grow healthy.

4. Effects during the treatment

It works best when used solo in form of hair mask or scalp treatment: strengthens follicles and makes hair look much better. Apply it either to wet or dry hair, leave in and then rinse after some time; if you haven’t got time for such treatments, you don’t have to give up on the oil. Choose a quicker method: add a bit oil to your hair conditioner or mask, or rub a few drops into hair ends after washing. The effects are stunning – total hair makeover.

5. Effects after completing the treatment

Regular application of macadamia oil means healthy, brand new hair in a few weeks. The oil also nourishes scalp and strengthens follicles. Hair keeps vital, shiny and healthy for long months. Nanoil Macadamia Oil repairs hair structures, beautifies, makes hair stronger from the roots to the ends.

6. Summary, advantages & disadvantages


  • it’s free from parabens and synthetics
  • it’s suitable for scalp use
  • it works well for face, body and nail care too
  • it repairs hair follicles
  • it boosts hair growth
  • it holds back hair loss
  • it holds out very long
  • it’s the best value for money
  • it quickly improves appearance and condition of hair
  • it’s easy to use
  • it strengthens hair from within
  • it protects hair on the surface
  • it can be used in lots of ways – it’s up to you how you use it


  • you won’t find it at brick-and-mortar stores
  • it’s unsuitable for oily hair